蝋梅咲く / Winter-Sweet

'Winter-sweet' of the attached high school  in Toride was full of flowers. 

When 'winter-sweet' blooms, 'oh, winter is going to over with a little more' I feel like that.

Petals with a texture that really looks like made of wax.


I checked flower language of it, there are these means "moderate", "mercy & affection", "leadership".

"moderate" is becouse they blossom in winter when there are still few flowers.

And "mercy & affection", because the flowers feel in cold winter they feel like gently snuggles up to our heart.


There seem to be various origins of the name of "winter sweet"

Because its 'kanji' called "Rahmei" in Chinese read as "RohBai" in Japanese.

Because it's texture is imaged beeswax, 

and because it blossom in "Rou <蝋> " moon of old Japanese lunar calender, ...etc.